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Category: Snoring

How Snoring Affects Sleep Quality... And Your Relationship

How Snoring Affects Sleep Quality... And Your R...

  Millions of people worldwide are affected by snoring. While it may seem like a benign occurrence, snoring can have a significant impact on overall health and sleep quality for...

What Causes Snoring? It’s One of these 7 Things!

What Causes Snoring? It’s One of these 7 Things!

After a relaxing evening you find yourself tucked into bed, the silence punctuated only by the chirping of crickets. The memory of a pleasant day helps you drift off to...

Causes of Snoring

Causes of Snoring

Head and Neck Anatomy   It could be that your body’s anatomy is making it harder for you (and your partner) to sleep. Deformation in the following body structures can make...

Why Do We Not Talk About Snoring?

Why Do We Not Talk About Snoring?

There are some universal undeniable facts we live with. But not everyone likes them – practice makes perfect, Earth is not flat, and snoring is almost universal. Half of the...

How to Talk to Your Partner About Snoring Without ‘Bringing the House Down’?

How to Talk to Your Partner About Snoring Witho...

How often have you thought about having that all-important talk with your partner about snoring, but could not bring yourself to do so?    Whether you worry about hurting your...

How To Talk To Your Bed Partner About Snoring

How To Talk To Your Bed Partner About Snoring

Don’t go to bed angry is at the top of any list of relationship advice. If your partner snores, you might have pent-up feelings of frustration and anxiety about bedtime....

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