Smart Nora Reviewed on CBS 'Try It Before You Buy It'

Smart Nora Reviewed on CBS 'Try It Before You Buy It'

Meet Nick and Heidi from Las Vegas. Nick’s snoring is so loud that his wife, Heidi, says she has not been able to get a good night’s sleep in the last 12 years. “It’s very loud,” says Heidi, “sometimes I have to try to get to sleep before him so, it doesn’t wake me up.”
Watch Consumer Advocate and host of CBS’ Try It Before You Buy It, Michelle Mortensen, as she gives Smart Nora to Nick and Heidi to try out on their snoring. They set Smart Nora up in Nick and Heidi’s room and left it for 2 weeks. Each morning, they sent in their video diaries, reporting back on how they slept the night before.
The verdict? We are pleased to know that not only is Heidi getting some much needed sleep and silence, but so are their kids. “Even their kids slept better now that Nick’s nasal noise is no longer reverberating throughout the house,” says Michelle.
Looks like Nick’s snoring has met his match in Smart Nora.
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