Dog Snoring: Causes and Remedies

Dog Snoring: Causes and Remedies

Dog Snoring Causes and Remedies

While it might be nice to curl up in bed with a floppy basset or cuddly shepherd, you’re gonna have to kick your poor pooch out of the room to get some decent shuteye at the first sign of puppy snoring. Wait… dog snoring? Yes, it’s absolutely real — and not something most people think about until they’ve got their best friend curled up in the bedroom. If you’ve ended up with a snoring puppy, you might be wondering how to stop a dog from snoring… let’s take a look at a couple of things you can do, how to stop a dog from snoring, as well as a list of dog breeds that snore address the question can dogs have sleep apnea and why do dogs snore in the first place.

Why do dogs snore?

Like us humans, dog snoring is caused by obstruction of the nasal passage or nostrils that lead to airway constriction. The causes of snoring are pretty similar between man and man’s best friend — it all relates to restricted airflow.

Why do dogs snore:

  • Overweight — overweight dogs can have excess tissue in their neck and throat that collapse around the esophagus while they sleep, inducing snoring.
  • Allergens — one reason for puppy snoring is the prevalence of allergens in and around the home, ranging from dust and smoke to tree and weed pollens. If you think pet dander got you down, think about how your pets react to human dander! Allergens can cause mucus buildup and postnasal drip, which negatively impact snoring.
  • Tobacco — if you smoke in the home (or around your dog), secondhand smoke might be an irritant source, causing dog snoring. Your pup has a sensitive throat just like you do. Irritants in the throat can close the gap air normally flows through.
  • Breed — Some dog breeds that snore the most are that way because of their unique shape. Not all dogs suffer from snoring (or make you suffer from their snoring), but breathing issues like brachycephalic syndrome are prevalent in squishy-faced canines. This is caused by a dog having an elongated soft palate that obstructs the opening of the larynx, stifling air intake.

Can dogs have sleep apnea?

Unfortunately for your favorite pet, dogs can, in fact, have sleep apnea, among other sleeping disorders more common to humansDog sleep apnea is characterized when breathing repeatedly stops and starts for moments while sleeping. Its symptoms include loud snoring and startling awake for seemingly no reason.

In addition to sleep apnea, dogs can suffer from narcolepsy, REM behavior disorder, insomnia, and more! It’s not good for their blood pressure or energy levels, so see a veterinarian if you’re at all concerned.

Dog Breeds that Snore the Most

So, you’re a sensitive sleeper but considering adopting a new best friend? It might be important to know what dog breeds snore the most. With the intensity of changes that occur during dog breeding, it’s important to remember that not every change in a dog comes with 100% positives. "As we breed dogs to have shorter snouts, the soft palate in the back of their throat doesn't change, and that can be a problem," says Los Angeles celebrity veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber.

Of course, if you're still intent on getting one of the following breeds but don't want to be kept up at night through their snoring, it may be a good idea to crate train your dog at the outset so they learn to sleep in a different room from you.  
  1. Pugs — You know these snuffling little critters. For dog breeds that snore, pugs take the cake -- their snouts are practically designed for snoring!
  1. French Bulldogs — They may be small but their sonorous snores and nighttime grunts can wake up the whole house!
  1. Black Russian Terrier — Aside from their propensity to snore, their long beards will tickle your toes while they lie at the foot of your bed. Cute as the dickens, though!
  1. Pekingese — A classic toy dog in a small package with an unexpectedly powerful snore, caused in part by their squishy lil snouts.
  1. Clumber Spaniel — As noisy as they are cuddly, these regal dogs have the deep, rumbly sort of snore that’s not for the light sleeper.

How to Stop a Dog From Snoring

Dog Snoring Causes and Remedies

If you’re sick of hearing all that noisy dog snoring while you’re trying to catch some zzzzs, it’s time to take proactive measures towards a snore-free home with snoring aids! Unfortunately, you can’t use all of the traditional snoring aids on a snoring dog, but you certainly can do a few things to help your critter slumber soundly:

  • Air Humidifier — A lack of natural lubricants can leave your snoring puppy with a dry mouth and throat. When those throat flaps touch and stick together, snoring increases! A humidifier in your dog’s sleep zone can help put a little more moisture back in the air.
  • Puppy Pillow — Give your snoring puppy a pillow to stop puppy snoring! Most dogs sleep with their snouts out, with their necks resting against the ground. If you teach your dog how to use a pillow (it seems silly, but trust us) the change in position may just do the trick! Some dog beds have built-in pillows, which is pretty darn convenient.
  • Circular Dog Bed — This is a great, inexpensive way to stop a dog from snoring. A circular dog bed helps encourage curling up, which opens their air passages and alleviates pressure on the esophagus. Not only that, your dog will thank you for the generous new bed, none the wiser as to the real reason for the upgrade! Top tip: You could even put their new circular bed in an outdoor heated dog house to make sure your pooch doesn't disturb you at night.
    • Surgery — In a worst-case scenario, if your dog snoring is indicative of a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, surgery might be the only option. It’s unlikely, but your veterinarian will be able to guide you with this one.

    Dog Snoring — Not the End of Sleep

    So there you have it. Whether you’re considering getting your first puppy or your fifth pug, you never know if you’ll be on the receiving end of a snoring snout. Dog snoring is a real affliction, but with a few active solutions, it won’t have to rule your pup’s (or your) night. When your little rascal hops up at the foot of your bed, there’s nothing to worry about: turn on the humidifier, give ‘em a pillow, and let the both of you drift off to sleep, dreaming about chasing cars and kitty cats.

    Although there aren’t anti snoring devices for dogs just yet, there is already one for humans that have been proven to work. If you deal with snoring then you have to get your hands on the Smart Nora and try it risk free for 30 days! 

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